Christian communities, learning together
Palmerston Christian College is a campus of NT Christian Schools. We strive to be a Christian community where students learn to live life according to God’s purpose, offering hope for the world.
Our mission is to nurture and educate children in an environment where Christ is central. In doing this, we enable them to be the people that God has called them to be.
We do this through providing caring and supportive learning environments where students experience a true sense of belonging. We want them to know they are loved by God and are part of God’s family, while also feeling secure and confident in being the person God has designed them to be. Ultimately, we want them to become people who seek to fulfil God’s plan for their lives.
As Christian teachers within a Christian College environment, we live within God’s big purpose story. We strive to honour God by implementing His big purpose across all subject areas. We do this in line with the Australian curriculum.