Our approach to education
Our purpose is to provide caring and supportive learning environments where students experience a true sense of belonging. We want them to know they are loved by God and are part of God’s family, while also feeling secure and confident in being the person God has designed them to be. Ultimately, we want them to become people who seek to fulfil God’s plan for their lives.
As Christian teachers within a Christian College environment, we live within God’s big purpose story. We strive to honour God by implementing His big purpose across all subject areas and campuses. We do this in line with the Australian curriculum.
The Australian Curriculum sets the expectations for what all Australian students should be taught regardless of where they live or their background. It means that students from Transition to Year 10 have access to the same content and their achievement can be judged against consistent national standards.
All of Palmerston Christian College’s curriculum programs, from Transition to Year 10, are designed around the Australian curriculum. They are fully compliant with the standards and expectations of the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA).
Once students traverse into the NTCC senior secondary years (Years 10-12) there is a focus on rounding off Australian curriculum through generalised learning in Year 10. In Years 11 and 12, SACE subjects take over. These are subjects offered here in the NT through an agreement with the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE).

Kingdom Kids – Early Learning Centre
At Kingdom Kids, people matter and relationships are at the centre of all we do. We develop caring, loving, Christ-like relationships with children and their families, fostering a community of love, forgiveness, acceptance and equity.
Primary School (Transition – Year 6)
We strive to develop students’ understanding, knowledge and skills in a wide variety of learning areas. The educational experience students gain will equip them for life beyond school.
Middle School (Years 6 – 9)
We look to enhance students’ interests, using the latest technology and educational materials. The development of student learning goes beyond subject disciplines. We extend their ability to utilise a variety of approaches in their thinking, and seek to expand each student’s capacity for communication, leadership and group work.
Senior School (Years 10-12) – provided by Northern Territory Christian College
We understand that the senior years are an important time for students as they complete their secondary education. We provide a trusting and supportive environment that allows students to achieve their best, no matter where their gifts may lie.